CSz Portland Arena:
1963 NW Kearney St
Portland, OR 97209
Send mail to:
3308 Burnside St
Portland, OR 97214
T 503.236.8888
F 503.433.1899
E info@cszportland.com
We have a 16-car lot next to the green building at 1953 NW Kearney St. If the lot is full, park down toward 19th Street or beyond - there are usually spots open that way. The other direction is next to hopeless. Note that parking in the area is metered until 7:00pm.
Note that we only control the parking lot evenings and weekends. Daytimes are restricted to permit holders. (We have two spaces 24/7, ask if needed.)
If you want to be fully prepared, here is a website with the locations of other off-street parking in NW Portland available to you: nwportlandparking.com.