Late Night

Friday and Saturday Nights at 9:00pm (beginning April 5th)

Late Night is a rotating calendar of 18 and over shows.

A wide-variety of events from adults-only improv, to storytelling, to stand up comedy and everything in between!

Many shows will be produced and curated by CSz Portland. (Some shows may be rentals, produced by outside groups.)

Late Night is not a ComedySportz® show and does not have the Out of Bounds foul or referee. Late Night is not intended as family fare. It’s 18 and over.

Advance tickets are now available. (April and beyond)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Late Night at CSz Portland:

April Fridays - Medford Medical - two stand-alone episodes of our hilarious hospital drama each night; directed by Eric Zipper

April Saturdays:

April 5 - Naughty Bits - the debut of our adult improv show
April 12 - Stumptown Tonight - our improvised talk show
April 19 - Naughty Bits
April 26 - Legacy - a selection of shows from our list of long-running formats

Dates are added to our calendar about a month ahead and are subject to change. Change is good.

Get Late Night tickets here.