Adult Classes at CSz
Change your life. Seriously.
What's Coming Up?
Click the link below each adult course listing for a description and teacher bio(s).
CSz Improv Can Make an Impact on Your Life
Let some of our students tell you what they think.
Need help choosing a path?
Anyone looking for a first-time improv class (or first class in a long time) should take CSz 101.
Anyone looking for public-speaking or improv skills to use offstage should take CSz 101.
Want to up your public speaking Game? Take CSz 205.
Want to get better at dating and relationships? Take Improv for Dating and Relationships.
Looking for Stand-Up? Take CSz 108 with Carl Wolfson.
Is Storytelling your jam? Take CSz 109 with Hannah Michelotti.
Taken several classes elsewhere? Consider CSz 201, 301, 302 or 303. Call us for advice. 503.236.8888 x4.
Interested in Long Form? Look for CSz 302 & other 300 / 400 level Classes, including our LAB Series.
Interested in improv music performance? Take CSz 304, 404 & 504.
Interested in working on your craft? Look for classes at the 300, 400 & 500 levels. And 201 is great for refreshing your approach to scenework.
Interested in becoming a ComedySportz Professional? Follow the CSz 101, 201, 301, 401 & 501 path.
Players with experience elsewhere may join us beyond 101. Call for details. 503.236.8888 x4
CSz 101 - The Foundation
“Great adult improv classes offered here. Not only a great time, but the skills transfer very well to work and life. These classes provide a safe environment to learn new tools for listening, creative problem solving, team work, and public speaking and performance. And did I mention it is just a freaking great time? Place adults can go to laugh and feel free and like a kid again.” - Krista A
CSz 101 improv classes start three times a year. These classes are the gateway for adults to all things ComedySportz®. You can reserve your place now.
We've been called one of the top eight comedy schools from around the nation by Paste Magazine. And we're dedicated to making you feel welcome.
You will have an amazing time:
Learn improv the CSz Way - in a concise and organized sequence.
Gain incredible insight into what's funny and why
Experience the power of letting good things happen
Improve your public speaking skills
Improve your auditioning skills
Equip yourself with new tools for all arts: Speed, Narrative, Movement, Character-building, Conflict, Status and Fun. The improv tools we teach will give you a strong foundation for almost any style of improv.
Learn how ComedySportz and other improv styles work
Classes are how we find new CSz talent (Does getting paid to play sound interesting? Our pro players get paid.)
Meet interesting people, network and make new friends.
Have an unbelievable amount of fun
Here are two blog pieces from recent CSz 101 students, on the unexpected effects of taking this class:
Experience is not necessary (although certainly welcome); our classes feature a level and nurturing playing field. CSz is dedicated to equity and inclusion. All ages (18 and over), abilities, identities, beliefs and backgrounds are welcomed, celebrated and valued.
Why Begin at CSz - We do a terrific job of leading new and experienced adult students to great discoveries, as well as melding folks from different backgrounds into a united group - and CSz never forgets the fun of improv. No one on our teaching schedule has less than 10 years of professional improv teaching experience. Most have far more.
The Black Improv Alliance has arranged for CSz 101 scholarships for beginning Black Improvisors over the age of 18. You can apply using this link. (You can also contact us directly at for the information.)
CSz 103 Improv for Dating and Relationships
Fun and practical. Liked how the core skills of class activities apply to high-stakes situations beyond relationships (ex: job interviews, etc.). Have already tried things from class in real life. Will highly recommend this class. - SA
Really fun, entertaining, educational and a great way to start a Saturday Morning. - AB
Fantastic workshop. - SK
We’ll be offering this class again soon. Stay tuned!
CSz 109 Storytelling
Six weeks of classes from a presentation skills expert, plus a showcase for your stories! Hannah Michelotti returns with a class series that has received universal 5-star reviews!
in 2025 - stay tuned
CSz 108 Intro to Stand Up
CSz 208 Intermediate Stand Up
CSz 308 Advanced Stand Up
CSz 201 Improv Scenework
CSz 202 Scenework Lab
Building on the scenework classes from CSz 201, let's jump into the laboratory, put it all together, dial it in and do scenes.
Lots of them. With substantial side-coaching.
Develop the confidence that only repetition can give you.
Designed by Andrew Berkowitz, led by Jamie Montgomery, Andrew Berkowitz and Pro Staff.
Pre-requisite: CSz 201 or substantial classwork at another training center. Also recommended for recent 301 grads and anyone who wants to feel more confident in scenes.
We plan to offer this class in Summer, 2025
CSz 205 Improve Your Public Speaking
For people who want to “up their public speaking game”. Returning in 2025.
CSz 301 ComedySportz Games & Format with Jamie Montgomery
CSz 409 Intro to Improvised Shakespeare
CSz 302 Intro to Long Form
and CSz 400 / 500 Long Form LAB Series
We’re offering a series of LABs in 2025 - classes that cover a wide variety of Long Form formats and skills.
CAPSTONE - The culmination of classes we led last year - begins January 30, 2025. Learn six or more Long Form Improv Forms from the people who lead the groups. (CSz 502). Open to experienced improvisors, in addition to folks who took our LAB Classes.
LAB 1 - Monoscene, Montage and Monologues (CSz 412)
LAB 2 - The Harold with Bill Cernansky (CSz 422)
LAB 3 - Practice & Performance (CSz 432 - Q2)
LAB 4 - Narrative Long Form (CSz 442 - Q3)
LAB 5 - Musical Improv Performance (CSz 542/504) Q4
CSz 306 Improv and Puppets
Veteran Improvisor and Puppeteer Amy Gray leads a class on performing improv with puppet friends. Returning soon!
CSz 307 Deep Dive with Dr Dave Russ
Build skill and confidence, identify strengths and avenues for growth through goal-setting, specific exercises, games, directed playtime, positive direction, feedback, and the freedom to experiment.
By the end of this series, participants will have built confidence to step into any improv space and feel comfortable in their ability to keep up and play freely.
Inhabiting believable characters
Discovering rather than inventing
Finding games within games
Playing with energy, pace and rhythm
Specific skills:
Listening and attending
Being genuine
Space and object work
We’ll post when this class is offered again,
CSz 401 - ComedySportz Rec League
For people who have completed our 101, 201 and 301 classes (or those who have taken our 303 class).
Ongoing Wednesday Night Classes from 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Build improv skills and learn our games in a supportive and fun atmosphere
Performance opportunities in our Rec League matches several Sundays per month at 6:00 p.m.
Available in the following subscriptions:
$95 per calendar quarter
$35 per month
$10 per class on a drop-in basis
CSz 101/201/301 or 303 graduates only or by permission of the Education Director and Rec League Director
Some folks are in Rec League Class because they want to join our team; some because it's a fun time with a great community.
Need more info? Email Brooke Chamberlain at brooke (at)
CSz 402 Long Form Summer Drop-In
Just $10 per class or $95 for the whole 12-class series! Led by Starr Ahrens, with Bill Cernansky, Nick Condon and Betse Green.
Open to the wider improv community - please have completed at least 3 levels of improv training. Returning in 2025.
CSz 415 Johnstone Status
More class offerings from Theresa Robbins Dudeck coming in Summer, 2025.
CSz 304 / 404 / 504 - Improv Music
Musical Improv Basics - Intermediate Music (Games) - Advanced Music (Ensemble)
This four-week course explores how you'll boost your improv skills to create memorable songs - right in the moment. We'll overcome fears and learn tools to help you make what appears to be extremely difficult and astounding almost effortless. Confidence, structure, chorusing, rhyme, duets and common styles will be covered. What you'll learn can be used in any improv style, and can boost your songwriting skills as well.
Patrick Short (304, 404 & 504), our founder and Education Directer, has been making music since 1967, and teaching improv since 1984. He's a very experienced improv accompanist with lots of experience helping people overcome improv fears. Stage musical experience includes music direction for scripted musicals, including performances at the Kennedy Center, as well as Screaming Mee-Mees, who appeared at the Chicago Improv Festival, in New Orleans and Seattle. He has 8 albums to his credit this century, including The Traffic Safety Album and writes all the music for Thinking People's Theatre shows.
CSz 304 will lead to CSz 404/504 - Intermediate Musical Improv with Patrick Short & Betse Green
This class is also suitable for accompanists. You'll learn a ton about how Patrick approaches making people look and sound good.
When: CSz 504 will be announced soon
Where: CSz Arena, 1963 NW Kearney St.
Cost: $160 each for 304 / 404; $200 for 504
Prerequisites: Two levels of improv training at CSz or equivalent at another Portland-based theatre. Call us if your training was elsewhere.
CSz 485 The 5 Things Intensive
5 Things is the centerpiece of many (most) ComedySportz Pro Matches. And nobody in the improv world does guessing games with the pace and expertise of CSz.
It's a game full that requires a certain amount of work to get "right", and there are many components to making it work:
clue-giving strategies
mime and physical space work
guessing - there's a lot that goes into it!
willingness to fail, in the best ways
Learn the nuances and get the reps to make 5 Things one of the most exhilarating experience you can have on the ComedySportz field. Jaye Rambo and Amy Gray are experts - their guidance and insights will help you become a "Master of Things".
Offered again in 2025.
CSz 501 - ComedySportz Minor League
Next Class Begins February 18, 2025.
For people who have completed our 101, 201 and 301 classes (or those who have taken our 303 class).
The ComedySportz Minor League is a seven-week, 8 class course with coaching, notes and feedback on performance and public shows to hone your skills.
The Rec League is a community and on-going. The Minor League will be offered 2-3 times a year for those players who want to get to the next level. The class may be taken multiple times and there will be a focus different skills in some of them.
Minor League is directed by Betse Green and Patrick Short, assisted by other Pros.
Prerequisite: CSz 301 (some Rec League experience is helpful but not required). For those outside of CSz, at least 3 levels of training at a known improv school should suit you well. If in doubt, take 301 first, or call us. We’re nice. We’ll help you to the level that will serve you best.
Intro to Improv the CSz Way
with Rick Steadman
Begins April 7, 2024 - Mondays, 7:00-9:00pm
In Person
Click here more info
Click here to register