CSz 101

Intro to Improv the CSz Way
with Rick Steadman
Begins April 7, 2024 - Mondays, 7:00-9:00pm
In Person

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CSz 101 - The Foundation


CSz 101 improv classes start three times a year. These classes are the gateway for adults to all things ComedySportz®. You can reserve your place now

We've been called one of the top eight comedy schools from around the nation by Paste Magazine. Watch this video with testimonials from CSz 101 Students.

To register, call us now at 503.236.8888, e-mail us, or register on-line.


You will have an amazing time:

  • Learn improv the CSz Way - in a concise and organized sequence.

  • Gain incredible insight into what's funny and why

  • Experience the power of letting good things happen

  • Improve your public speaking skills

  • Improve your auditioning skills

  • Equip yourself with new tools for all arts: Speed, Narrative, Movement, Character-building, Conflict, Status and Fun. The improv tools we teach will give you a strong foundation for almost any style of improv.

  • Learn how ComedySportz and other improv styles work

  • Classes are how we find new CSz talent (Does getting paid to play sound interesting? Our pro players get paid.)

  • Meet interesting people, network and make new friends

  • Have a great time, become extremely funny and yes, even smell better!

  • Here are two blog pieces from recent CSz 101 students, on the unexpected effects of taking this class:

Experience is not necessary (although certainly welcome); our classes feature a level and nurturing playing field.

Our lead teacher - Patrick Short - brings over 34 years of improv teaching experience to the class and the January set of classes will be his 104th CSz 101 sequence. Patrick does a terrific job of leading new and experienced adult students to great discoveries, as well as melding folks from different backgrounds into a united group - and CSz never forgets the fun of improv.

When: Mondays, Beginning January 6, 2020; 7:30-9:30pm; 7 weeks.

Where: CSz Portland, 1963 NW Kearney St.
How Much: Cost is $195 for the 7-week, two-hours per week series and includes free tickets for shows during your time in the class.

To register, call us now at 503.236.8888, e-mail us, or register on-line.